
Welcome to The Christian Resistance

A Home For Jesus Lovers Offering Resources and Encouragement

Are You One of Us?

We grocery shop on Sunday mornings.

We wonder who we’ll call if tragedy strikes.

We use our tithe money to support causes we think Jesus would love.

We miss church, weekly gatherings, small groups, prayer chains, and our friends.

We miss praising God with other people.

We wonder if the giant holes in our hearts will ever heal.

We still can’t believe we walked away from church.

We wonder if we’ll ever go back.

We Are The Broken-Hearted

We live in cities and small towns, rural areas and urban sprawl. We are rich, poor, and everything in-between. Many, if not most, of us are former Evangelical Christians. Our social lives may have revolved around church activities and friendships. The very last thing most of us wanted to do was leave that safe, secure bastion of companionship and community. Had Donald Trump never been elected, we would likely still be there.

But one day our souls ripped open with the pain of serving two masters: the Religious Right’s devotion to their political agenda and our knowledge of the teachings of Jesus Christ. My own departure triggered a search for answers; one that led me to launch this website.

Wanderers Finding a New Home

We call ourselves by newly-minted names: Ex-vangelicals, Recovering Evangelicals, Deconstructionists, and proponents of social justice. At Faith After Church, our goal is to offer information and resources in this ever-changing, post-Evangelical world. We continually follow established and emerging voices, holding their messages up against the teachings of Jesus and sharing those who reflect His truth.

The information and resources on our site point towards learning from the past, listening in the present, and looking prayerfully forward to the future.

Here’s what you’ll find in our menu:

I’ll mention the bookstore first, since every page has links to these resources. First, please know that I have read every book listed, and believe each is a solid resource to offer. All links will take you to Amazon, and if you have an account with them, it will automatically open. If you do order through us, we may receive enough of a commission to buy a handful of grapes. Depends on the book. We do like grapes, so thank you in advance.

The Christian Resistance Page explains what happened. Many of us were coasting merrily along until our churches lost their minds and surrendered their souls to Trumpism. When we dug in to find out how this could have happened, we began to stumble upon some uncomfortable truths. Turns out that many Evangelical Churches have been a cover for the Religious Right’s political movement, an incredibly powerful white-American nationalist, anti-LGBTQ, male-supremacist lobby determined to maintain their status quo. After much research, I see very little of Jesus’ teachings in their platform. Our bookstore offers several resources that explain these dynamics.

The Join The Fight Page lists all the organizations we’ve discovered for those of us who are looking for community, ready to take action, or both. There’s a new world in the making, and these are the folks who’ve rolled up their sleeves and gotten to work.

Jesus Stories are just that- cool water on parched ground to remind us of who we love, who loves us, and whom we serve.

Today’s Resistance is my blog. Beginning in September of 2019, these stories reflect my journey of Deconstruction, my quest for understanding, my heartache in the loss, the good news I occasionally stumble upon, why I fight, why it’s important, and turning points when it was time to begin again. Some of these have been published by Red Letter Christians, a social justice organization that I’m honored to be associated with.

We’re glad you’ve joined us today. You can also find us on our Facebook page at Rachel Ophoff’s Friendship With Jesus, or email us at TCR.Pagosa@gmail.com.

Great news!  I’ve entered the world of Substack. This free blogging platform offers my blog, along with access to a host of other great like-minded writers and thinkers. Visit me at rachelophoff.substack.com today!

Again, welcome to Faith After Church. You are not alone.