The Rise of Organized Resistance

Christian Resistance Organizations Arise

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting it is really cooperating with it.” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Is evil in the eye of the beholder? And is it our responsibility to stand up to it?

It used to be that “church people”- in this case I’m referring to the only kind of church people I’ve ever known- used to pretty much agree on what constituted evil behavior. Having been what they call “unchurched” as a child, I stumbled into the Protestant Evangelical Christian world in my late 20’s. Until lately, I was unashamedly devoted to the mission of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, working alongside my brothers and sisters in the family of faith. I loved these people, and I love them still. Some of them even still love me. But Jesus himself seems to have fallen out of the mix. For many (present company excluded) the mission has morphed into a political movement with aspirations that fly in the face of Jesus’ teachings. In fact, some of these aspirations are just plain evil. You know, like separating children from their parents at the border, or cutting programs that feed the hungry, or denying health care to the poor, or tossing our allies the Kurds into the hands of their enemies. The list goes on and on- just do an internet search on  “Programs Trump has cut.”

Remember the Poor

You can imagine my dismay.

Three years ago I was dumbstruck by Trump’s victory. It’s not like it was the first time my candidate lost. But it was the first time that a mentally unstable megalomaniac won. And to add insult to injury, my family of faith did everything they could to put him there. The political machine known as the Religious Right is powerful and pervasive. Thousands of us have just walked away from the church we love, because there seems to be no point in raising our voices. They are, after all,  the “Moral Majority.”  Who are we to question them?

Who indeed. We are children of the Most High God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus’ teachings have stood the test of time, and this is no exception. And fortunately, there are groups of Christ-followers who are raising their voices and raising the roof and raising up a movement that the rest of us can join. Reclaiming Jesus (now Sojourners) is an organization of pastors, preachers, and theologians who first gathered in prayer in 2018. I cannot do them justice, so I urge you to visit their website and read their “Reclaiming Jesus” Declaration. It’s only a few pages, but it succinctly compares the current administration’s policies with the teachings of our Savior. They also offer free, downloadable resources for those of us who want to start a movement in our hometown.

Good news

There’s also an online community known as Red Letter Christians. In many Bibles, the words of Jesus Christ are printed in red ink. You know, so we wouldn’t be confused. With all the amnesia surrounding our Lord’s actual teachings, I urge you to take advantage of this source of news, as well as links to groups already carrying out His instructions.

I am vastly relieved that God is raising up believers who are devoted to making a positive difference in these dark days, and not just adding fuel to the flames. I feel that I’ve been flailing about, writing as a lone wolf in a world gone crazy. Red Letter Christians  offers online writings, encouragement, and suggestions for taking action instead of whining on social media.

Anger is a waste of time, and I am sick of mine. It’s just obnoxious. The Bible acknowledges that we struggle with anger, but is quick to instruct us with some solid common sense:  In your anger do not sin. (Ephesians 4:26 NIV) Now we have online communities and resources to help us do more than whine. We can make a difference. We can remind people of who Jesus really is.

And even though we always have Him, we now have each other.

©Rachel Ophoff, Coconut Mountain Communications LLC, 2019. All Rights Reserved.