Murdering the Kurds

What Trump’s buddies have to say in response to Donald murdering the Kurds:

…it would increase the risk that ISIS and other terrorist groups regroup.” Senate Majority Leader,  Republican Mitch McConnell

“If we abandon them, good luck getting anybody to help America in the future with radical Islam, Al Qaeda, and ISIS.” Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican Senator from South Carolina

“Leaving them to die is a big mistake.”– Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley

Trump deserts the Kurds

Trump Commits Genocide

Today, Donald Trump declared that he’s pulling our troops out of northern Syria, where we’ve been working with and supporting the Kurds in our mutual fight against ISIS and other terrorist organizations. The Kurds have been our steadfast allies, and have died by the thousands beside us in this fight. Trump’s decision to abandon them ensures their mass annihilation in short order.

What defense can he possibly offer when even his supporters and his protectors question this move?

This is really too unbelievable to be true, but here is what he actually tweeted today. I am not kidding:

The President Is Insane

“…if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off-limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey.”

And he absolutely believes it.

And do you know why?

Because Evangelical leaders have assured him that he has been chosen by God.   They didn’t have to tell him twice, and he shared this good news with the rest of us on August 24, 2019:

In the midst of answering a question about the ongoing trade war with China, President Donald Trump turned from reporters, looked to heavens and proclaimed, “I am the chosen one.”

Evangelicals Refuse to Speak Up

If you’ve been reading my Facebook posts, it may not seem that I’ve been kind and understanding towards Christians who support Trump. You may not believe me if I say I’ve tried. Many of the people I love have bought into the Religious Right’s blockbuster movement, complete with fabricated Biblical prophecies comparing Donald Trump and King Cyrus. My next blog post will debunk this farce, which is actually easily done.

To those I love who are angered by this message, I’m sorry. I have to choose between standing up for what is right and making sure people like me. I don’t love calling people out, but folks, we’re talking about murder now. It’s not just treason, obstruction of justice, lying, or any of those petty offenses. It’s genocide.

One short year ago, on September 28, 2018 Trump said this of the Kurds:

“They fought with us, and they died with us…they’re great people. And we don’t forget- I don’t forget.” in reference to our continued protective presence with them in Syria.

So why? Why now? What thirty pieces of silver was he offered for this heinous act?

Well, this proclamation came on the heels of a phone conversation with the President of Turkey. What could this man have possibly offered Trump to have him serve up our allies on a platter? Or what does he have on our President that would induce him to commit genocide?

Folks, you have been lied to. I know it’s going to be embarrassing and hard to change your thinking about this man, but I beg you: please get your heads out of the sand and start using the brains the real God gave you.

And for Jesus’ sake, stand up for what’s really right. Americans don’t throw their allies to the wolves. Christians take care of their friends, by direct command from our real leader.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for his friends.”– Jesus Christ, John 15: 13 NIV

Let’s follow Him instead.

©Rachel Ophoff, Coconut Mountain Communications LLC 2019. All Rights Reserved.