Pro Trump Versus Pro Sanity

Can Pro-Trump and Pro-Sanity Forces Work Together?

Last week my biggest ethical concern was deciding whether or not to leave our church because the leaders are Trump supporters. I feared that, as we moved closer to next year’s presidential election, support for the incumbent as well the Right’s political platform would spill out around the edges. I figured it would be easier to leave now, even though I really like the church and the people.

Last week, the problem with that scenario was the fact that my husband has a vibrant ministry that is changing the lives of some young people. It would be selfish in the extreme to remove him just because I’m fearful.

That was last week. This week, things got so much worse.

Lady Liberty at SunsetTrump Caught Red-Handed

Folks, (especially you on the right), please understand this one thing. The fact that the Donald finally got caught red-handed breaking the law is NOT good news for any of us. Of course we on the left would love to see him leave office. He’s awful. But there is nothing good about impeachment for anyone. This is not good for the country. As hard as it is, I will refrain (at this time) from reminding everyone how poorly he is reacting to this development. Frankly, I don’t believe either side is surprised.

A Change in the Status Quo

So now we have bigger problems than disagreeing on doctrine. Of course that is still an issue. But Donald isn’t going to go without a fight, and I would not put it past him to stage a violent coup. Both sides need to work together to figure out how we’re going to help our country survive this. I understand the Right is entitled to their belief system, as are we; if and when the dust settles, hopefully we can all find the group we should belong to. But for now, I’m going to try to moderate my remarks with less anger and more understanding. I’ll share this post with the leadership of my church and hope we can share a vision for peaceful coexistence.

And may God help us. We are most certainly going to need it.

©Rachel Ophoff, Coconut Mountain Communications LLC 2019. All Rights Reserved.